Condominium Painting

Condominium Painting


Over 80% of Singaporeans own HDB flats or live in HDB Flats. While the Town Councils take care of the exterior painting of these HDB Apartment blocks (or can use “Exterior HDB Painting” to increase keyword count) every 5 years as mandated by the Building & Construction Authority of Singapore, the maintenance and painting of the interiors of the individually owned HDB units are still the responsibility of the individual owners.

For many HDB flat owners, the interior décor and interior painting scheme is an important way where they can create their own living environment to differentiate their flat from other units in an otherwise anonymous HDB Housing estate setting. In addition, real estate is a valuable commodity in Singapore and HDB flats despite their lower pricing, are still one of the highest value assets that any Singaporean or resident will own. As such, owners in Singapore do pay attention to the state of repair of the interiors of their flats, of which the condition of the interior paintworks is most important.

At House Painting Singapore, we understand the importance and value that a HDB flat represents to Singaporeans. Over the years, our team has gained valuable experience and developed great expertise in HDB Painting jobs all over Singapore. We also understand that our customers have a wide range of budgets and expectations when it comes to HDB Painting, which is why we have come up with HDB Painting packages that will cater to a wide range of budgets and quality expectations. As a further mark of assurance to our customers and a sign of the confidence we have in the quality of our services, all HDB Painting packages or customized HDB Painting job requests sold by us, will be backed by a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee for a full 48 hours after the HDB Painting job is completed by one of our team of painters.

As a valued customer, you should thus have every confidence to choose one of House Painting Singapore’s standard HDB Painting packages. If you do not feel that any of our listed HDB Painting Packages meet your specific needs, please feel free to give us a call at 97508771 and our friendly HDB Painting concierges will be pleased to give you a no-obligation quotation to meet your requirements.

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